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Fountain  of  Youth  for Your  Skin.....


The World's Finest edible Skin Care Product 

This product helps make your skin shine and make it the best skin it can be, This helps you get all the vitamins you need during your day, while making your skin smooth and beautiful. Unlike other skin care products this is all organic,  natural and edible! Say good-bye to wrinkles and eye bags!

Infinity oil promotes a youthful appearance by smoothing facial skin and reducing wrinkles using earth based healthy materials

Time to Switch Your Skin Care Product

This is the story and reasoning behind our product

Your Skin

It is well known that your skin is the largest organ of the human body roughly 2 sqm or 18 sq ft. So, here it is...


Would you eat Dimethicone, Kojic acid, or Hydroquinone for breakfast or dinner? Not likely, so why would you put them on your skin which is the same as eating them?

Your liver

Every day your liver works hard to keep you safe and things running well. The world today is full of pollutants and toxins that surround all of us all the time. As you imagine, your liver has its "hands full" in trying to keep you healthy. Nowknowing this, why would you purposely add to its toxicity load by using skin care products with questionable non- edible ingredients?


Your Infinity Oil Product

infinity Oil is the answer to youthful skin. it is made with only the finest edible oils derived from exotic nuts, plants, and fruits from around the world. Its unique combination and chemistry allow it to easily absorb into your skin and replenish the lost vitamins and minerals to maintain that radiant and youthful appearance. In addition, it fuels your body with goodness and does not add toxins to your liver, so it is a two-for-one health bonus!

The Secret to Perfect Skin

Everyone wants perfect skin and we all envy the younger generation for not appreciating what they have.  Although time continues, aging does not have to follow that schedule.  Eating the right foods on a daily basis, getting plenty of rest, drinking suffiicnet water and using an edible skin oil on your face are key factors in maintaining that youthful radiant facial product .


Decades in Development

Kept a secret for many years in a  remote farming community, infinity oil has been development and utilized by countless women and men to keep their skin vibrant and youthful looking for years.  Using the right combination of edible oils such as Infinity Oil  adirectly on your skin will ensure you remain looking as young as you feel for decades to come!!


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